

Photo Contest Rules and Regulations

  1. The competition is open to any member in good standing with BRFG

  2. Only non-professional contestants can enter (a non-professional is a person that does not normally receive remuneration for any photos but particularly one who does not receive any remuneration of any kind, for any photos entered).

  3. There are Five categories in which to enter:

    • Adult Wildlife Trophy

    • Adult Scenic Photo Trophy

    • Trail Cam Photo Trophy

    • Youth Wildlife Photo Trophy

    • Youth Scenic Photo Trophy

  4. Photos may be black and white, or colour. All entries must be emailed, as electronic copies only.

  5. Photos are to be sent as attachments, in the largest format possible, to

  6. All entries are received with implied consent to potentially be used by the Beaver River Fish and Game Association, for promotional activities.

  7. Contestants may submit up to three entries per category only.

  8. All decisions of the Beaver River Fish and Game Association will be final.